I grew up in two worlds: My father is Haudenosaunee (Seneca) and my mother descended from early Dutch and English settlers. Nature is where I felt like an insider, in its language and complexity and flux. I learned that all things have their own being and sentience; that all is relationship; and that humans participate in the sacredness of our world by making beauty wherever possible, and in seeking mutual connections within the cosmic Good Mind. I work with art to make life into a sacrament. I feel that residues of this creative process can live on and continue to inspire. I learned from Native and contemporary figure artists; Slavic artists from the tradition of St Petersburg, and artists inspired by Rudolf Steiner.

I work from life or imagination with oil, watercolor or ink. I contemplate the object or scene, or idea, then surrender to the conversation with it. Other beings chime in: beings of water, light, color, animals, ancestors. The record of that experience lives on as my painting.

Kristin’s work has been featured in appreciative homes, galleries and museums in the USA and internationally. Each exhibition invites viewers to experience art in a conscious way, with a renewed appreciation of the wonder of our world.

Commissioned and original art and prints as well as retreats, classes, live event painting and portraits are available.

Contact me for more information